Thursday, April 2, 2015

Free Childcare For All!
Being a single mother for nine years, I can say first-hand that one of my main issues was paying for child care. If the the government put more money into childcare this would help to eliminate other issues such as unemployment, poverty and the high need for TANF and SNAP assistance.

Just think about it for a moment, if parents can't afford childcare and have no family assistance in helping to take care of there children they are unable to work. There have been occassions, when I myself, have applied for a job and was offered it but had to decline because of no after-school childcare. Had I had childcare I would have been gainfully employed during that time because I had the will to work just no means.

I currently, have a friend who allowed her neighbor to moved in with her. When I asked her why her neighbor lost her apartment she stated that the neighbor wasn't able to keep her job because she had no one to watch her children. In her case the no childcare situation made everything worse. Had she had childcare not only would she have been able to afford her apartment but she would have had money to do other things to provide for her children.

I believe by the government putting more money into childcare of would help to eliminate the need for cash assistance and food stamps from the government. The myth isn't true people don't enjoy having to depend on cash assistance and food stamps to survive. They would rather make their own money and be independent but what are your options when childcare is $500 per month per child.

In conclusion, childcare may not be at the top of anyone's list but when you look at how it could possibly decrease unemployment, poverty and the need for other government benefits, it should be!