Friday, May 8, 2015

Free Childcare for All Commentary #2

I originally wrote about the importance of free childcare and the benefits but I neglected to state where the funds would come from. I may not be being realistic but I have to solutions to fund this childcare problem.

The would be the government. Since more people would be employed there would be less money being paid out for unemployment, food stamps and cash assistance. This money should go toward paying for childcare insuring that as long a parent doesn't have to worry about childcare he or she will more than likely be able to remain gainfully employed.

If this scenerio is too unrealistic maybe the employer can offer it as a benefit. We have medical and dental benefits which come out of our checks every pay period maybe childcare should be an option. They could probably even create a more dedicated worker by doing this because your childcare now depends on your job. I'm sure there are flaws with both of these solution or the government might have already implemented them but they  are definitely something to consider.