Thursday, February 12, 2015

New post

I read an article in the New York Times  on 12 Feburary 2015, it was titled " F.B.I Director Speaks Frankly About Police View On Blacks" Unless you've been living under a rock then you should have some knowledge of the Micheal Brown killing which caused the city of Ferguson to riot and loot the city after the officer wasn't indicted on any charges. James B. Comey the director the the F.B.I decided that he didn't just want to sweep this matter under the rug. He had something to say about it and it was very unexpected since we live in a society that no longer wants to acknowledge race as an issue. According to the New York Times Comey states, " Officers who work in neighborhoods where blacks commit crimes at higher rates develop a cynicism that shades their attitudes about race." See what I mean he is actually admitting that police officers may have certain prejudices against an African American based on previous encounters and this may affect how they do their jobs. I can't believe he admitted this I guess the officers will be turning there backs on him next for making this statement as they did Mayor de Blasio at the fallen officers funerals a few months ago. Too be fair he did say that this goes for all officers no matter the race. He further supports this statement by stating," Significant research that says all people have unconscious racial biases. Although people cannot help there instinctive reactions, law enforcement needs to design system and processes to overcome that very human part of us." I believe that although the events that have occurred over that last few months have been tragic the fact that someone is noticing their is a problem and looking to resolve it gives me hope!

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