Friday, February 27, 2015

Social commentary

Just recently I read an article on called Say No to Guns on College Campuses, the name speaks for itself. This article is about gun lobbyist in Florida who are pushing for five bills which would allow loaded guns on campuses. The author of this piece is clearly against laws allowing individuals to carry handguns while on campus. The author believes "bullets and backpacks mix." The author goes on to support this statement by giving facts showing others who agree. According to the article, "FSU's Police Chief David Perry is also  opposed; he says it would make it harder for law enforcement to tell which armed student's are "good guys" and which are "bad guys." I agree with the police chief because they would have no way of knowing if the person is carrying the gun for protection or too harm others. This would definitely  make their job harder. The article also states,"In 2013, a poll of students at 15 Midwestern colleges found that 78% opposed concealed guns on campus too." The student's themselves are intelligent enough to know that no good can come out of students being allowed  to carry guns on campus. Students normally enter into college at ages 18 and 19 although they may be seen as an adult in the eyes of the law as a mother with two teenage boys at this age they are not mature enough to be trusted with a gun. Some students are still very emotional at this age I believe they would be tempted to use the gun for conflicts verses self-defense. A prime example of this according to article,"Just last week, an argument at a University of Georgia fraternity escalated when a student pulled out a semi-automatic hand and started firing." Just imagine if students had to right to bare arms on campus how often we would hear about incidences such as this one. Not too mention the number of accidental shootings that may  occur due to improper use of the weapon. In conclusion, I think it's safe to say that I agree with the author that college campuses are no place for students to carry guns too. Let's just beef up security and keep the guns away from our kids!

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