Thursday, March 12, 2015

Commentary Post

Today I read an article on Think Progress titled, Rhode Island Muslim School Vandalized In Hate Crime. The article is about a non-profit Muslim school in Rhode Island that was vandalized after a vigil was held for three Muslim victims who had been shoot in North Carolina. Although this is one particular incident, the author is  to shining a light on the recurring hate crimes similar to this one occurring against Muslims and other religions.

The author provides examples of incidences showing hate crimes against Muslims. For instance, the three Muslims that were shot and North Carolina, the suspect claims to have shoot them because they got into an agrument over a parking shot. Now granted this individual seems to have a few crayons missing from his crayola box but that just doesn't make sense. According to the article the suspect has post numerous things on facebook proving he is an atheism. Prior to this incident there was an arson at a Muslim Community in Houston according to the article. It even states that, in 2013 a hate crime statistic report was done and found that 14.2% percent of crimes were against Muslims.

I know these are just a few incidences, they could have nothing to do with hate crimes at all but with the growing number they definitely deserve some attention. These are the incidences that have been reported imagine how many people this could be happening to that don't report it. It's an issue for our society that we need to get under control be it becomes bigger problem because no person should have to worry about well-being because of religion, race or life choice.

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