Friday, May 8, 2015

Free Childcare for All Commentary #2

I originally wrote about the importance of free childcare and the benefits but I neglected to state where the funds would come from. I may not be being realistic but I have to solutions to fund this childcare problem.

The would be the government. Since more people would be employed there would be less money being paid out for unemployment, food stamps and cash assistance. This money should go toward paying for childcare insuring that as long a parent doesn't have to worry about childcare he or she will more than likely be able to remain gainfully employed.

If this scenerio is too unrealistic maybe the employer can offer it as a benefit. We have medical and dental benefits which come out of our checks every pay period maybe childcare should be an option. They could probably even create a more dedicated worker by doing this because your childcare now depends on your job. I'm sure there are flaws with both of these solution or the government might have already implemented them but they  are definitely something to consider.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Free Childcare For All!
Being a single mother for nine years, I can say first-hand that one of my main issues was paying for child care. If the the government put more money into childcare this would help to eliminate other issues such as unemployment, poverty and the high need for TANF and SNAP assistance.

Just think about it for a moment, if parents can't afford childcare and have no family assistance in helping to take care of there children they are unable to work. There have been occassions, when I myself, have applied for a job and was offered it but had to decline because of no after-school childcare. Had I had childcare I would have been gainfully employed during that time because I had the will to work just no means.

I currently, have a friend who allowed her neighbor to moved in with her. When I asked her why her neighbor lost her apartment she stated that the neighbor wasn't able to keep her job because she had no one to watch her children. In her case the no childcare situation made everything worse. Had she had childcare not only would she have been able to afford her apartment but she would have had money to do other things to provide for her children.

I believe by the government putting more money into childcare of would help to eliminate the need for cash assistance and food stamps from the government. The myth isn't true people don't enjoy having to depend on cash assistance and food stamps to survive. They would rather make their own money and be independent but what are your options when childcare is $500 per month per child.

In conclusion, childcare may not be at the top of anyone's list but when you look at how it could possibly decrease unemployment, poverty and the need for other government benefits, it should be!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Commentary Post

Today I read an article on Think Progress titled, Rhode Island Muslim School Vandalized In Hate Crime. The article is about a non-profit Muslim school in Rhode Island that was vandalized after a vigil was held for three Muslim victims who had been shoot in North Carolina. Although this is one particular incident, the author is  to shining a light on the recurring hate crimes similar to this one occurring against Muslims and other religions.

The author provides examples of incidences showing hate crimes against Muslims. For instance, the three Muslims that were shot and North Carolina, the suspect claims to have shoot them because they got into an agrument over a parking shot. Now granted this individual seems to have a few crayons missing from his crayola box but that just doesn't make sense. According to the article the suspect has post numerous things on facebook proving he is an atheism. Prior to this incident there was an arson at a Muslim Community in Houston according to the article. It even states that, in 2013 a hate crime statistic report was done and found that 14.2% percent of crimes were against Muslims.

I know these are just a few incidences, they could have nothing to do with hate crimes at all but with the growing number they definitely deserve some attention. These are the incidences that have been reported imagine how many people this could be happening to that don't report it. It's an issue for our society that we need to get under control be it becomes bigger problem because no person should have to worry about well-being because of religion, race or life choice.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Social commentary

Just recently I read an article on called Say No to Guns on College Campuses, the name speaks for itself. This article is about gun lobbyist in Florida who are pushing for five bills which would allow loaded guns on campuses. The author of this piece is clearly against laws allowing individuals to carry handguns while on campus. The author believes "bullets and backpacks mix." The author goes on to support this statement by giving facts showing others who agree. According to the article, "FSU's Police Chief David Perry is also  opposed; he says it would make it harder for law enforcement to tell which armed student's are "good guys" and which are "bad guys." I agree with the police chief because they would have no way of knowing if the person is carrying the gun for protection or too harm others. This would definitely  make their job harder. The article also states,"In 2013, a poll of students at 15 Midwestern colleges found that 78% opposed concealed guns on campus too." The student's themselves are intelligent enough to know that no good can come out of students being allowed  to carry guns on campus. Students normally enter into college at ages 18 and 19 although they may be seen as an adult in the eyes of the law as a mother with two teenage boys at this age they are not mature enough to be trusted with a gun. Some students are still very emotional at this age I believe they would be tempted to use the gun for conflicts verses self-defense. A prime example of this according to article,"Just last week, an argument at a University of Georgia fraternity escalated when a student pulled out a semi-automatic hand and started firing." Just imagine if students had to right to bare arms on campus how often we would hear about incidences such as this one. Not too mention the number of accidental shootings that may  occur due to improper use of the weapon. In conclusion, I think it's safe to say that I agree with the author that college campuses are no place for students to carry guns too. Let's just beef up security and keep the guns away from our kids!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

New post

I read an article in the New York Times  on 12 Feburary 2015, it was titled " F.B.I Director Speaks Frankly About Police View On Blacks" Unless you've been living under a rock then you should have some knowledge of the Micheal Brown killing which caused the city of Ferguson to riot and loot the city after the officer wasn't indicted on any charges. James B. Comey the director the the F.B.I decided that he didn't just want to sweep this matter under the rug. He had something to say about it and it was very unexpected since we live in a society that no longer wants to acknowledge race as an issue. According to the New York Times Comey states, " Officers who work in neighborhoods where blacks commit crimes at higher rates develop a cynicism that shades their attitudes about race." See what I mean he is actually admitting that police officers may have certain prejudices against an African American based on previous encounters and this may affect how they do their jobs. I can't believe he admitted this I guess the officers will be turning there backs on him next for making this statement as they did Mayor de Blasio at the fallen officers funerals a few months ago. Too be fair he did say that this goes for all officers no matter the race. He further supports this statement by stating," Significant research that says all people have unconscious racial biases. Although people cannot help there instinctive reactions, law enforcement needs to design system and processes to overcome that very human part of us." I believe that although the events that have occurred over that last few months have been tragic the fact that someone is noticing their is a problem and looking to resolve it gives me hope!